Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Relieve Stress ?

How to Relieve Stress

What is Stress? 

 Who doesn’t know about it, it has become a common and usual term used by everyone in all ages. Nowadays, even kids from primary school would post “School is stressful!! “ in their Facebook wall.
Well, we generally use the word “stress” when we have this feeling of everything seems just too much; overloaded to be precise and wonders whether we can really cope with this pressure being placed upon us.

Types of Stress 

Scratching your already? HaHa ,  YES ! There are two types of stress , we categorize them as the “GOOD Stress” and the “BAD Stress “.  GOOD stress in a nutshell, gets you motivated and going – many people say without any stress, our lives would be boring and pointless but bear in mind that stress affects both your mental and physical health. Too much stress equals “BAD Stress “is bad for you.

Do you know these facts?

When you are stressed,  your:

  • ·         Blood pressure rises
  • ·         Breathing becomes more rapid
  • ·         Heart rates increases
  • ·         Immune systems goes down
  • ·         Muscles become tense
  • ·         Digestive system slows down
  • ·         Difficulty in sleeping ( Insomnia )

There might be even more devastating symptoms but these symptoms above are the usual symptoms that normally could be found on a normal person. Been wondering why sometimes, you can’t sleep or have not much of an appetite? Probability of you being stressful is high; it is also possible that a person feels stressed with no clear cause. Feeling of frustration, anxiety and depression can make some people feel more stressed easily than others.

How to deal with stress

There are many ways of treating stress but for me there are only three Main ways.

1) Help yourself 

If you can’t help yourself then who will? You are the one that knows your body best. So get up and do something if you are feeling stressed, don’t wait until the stress level hits the maximum point.

         i.            Exercise!! Getting Fit
-          Exercise has been proven to have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental and physical state. Sometimes  sessions of running , intense yoga or some sports after a stressful day will help you feel relaxed and stress-free. Besides that exercise also releases endorphins; a feel good hormone which helps you to relax.

       ii.            Chocolates
-          Yes , you heard me consuming chocolates also helps relieves stress . Chocolate releases endorphins as well in a small dose but only if you consume moderately .

      iii.            Nutrition – Diet
-          The food you eat also affects you . Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and always makes sure to have a healthy and balanced diet.

     iv.            Breathing
-          There are a few breathing techniques which will slow down your body system and help you relax more.

       v.            Talk – Express your thoughts and worries
-          Expressing your thoughts and worries to your family , friends , work colleagues or whoever you trust will help you relieve stress as well . You would feel that a burden has been lifted off from your shoulders.

     vi.            Relaxation techniques
-          Meditation, Massage , Spa, yoga have been known to greatly help reduce stress .

2) Environment change

Sometimes, the source of stress is not you but rather your surroundings.  For example, if you’re an event planner, and you have a stressful situation of handling events, you’re just making yourself even more stressful. 

There are multiple ways of dealing with environment stress, if you can change it then change. A new and fresh environment will give you a new start. If you are stuck and can’t change your environment, then change your views, manage your stress properly. Allocate time for some exercising or some stress reducing therapies in your timeslot.

3) Medication

This is not recommended but unless you have an underlying illness such as depression or some type of anxiety. Doctors will treat this as mental illnesses and will prescribe you medication but bear in mind that all the medication do is just to mask the stress and suppress it rather than helping you heal and cope with it.


Being too stressful, tend to harm you both mentally and physically . Do something about it , don't just wait and hope that it will go away by itself . Stress can't be avoided but it can be reduced . Why the wait ?  Start reducing your stress starting today in order to have a better , healthier and long live .