Friday, February 21, 2014

Victory Sport Badminton Shop Penang

On 20th of Feb 2014 , I passed by the main road going to work and I saw a very big signboard with Yonex , Victor on it . The shop is located at Chai Leng Park , Penang .

I took a guess and it was a badminton shop  . I saw the name of the shop "Victory Sport". So I Google and found the victory sport . Victory Sport Website .

They have four major brands , Apacs , Yonex , Victor , Protech and others Masuka , Fischer.

They have lots of shuttlecocks to choose from. RCL , Victor , Protech .

 And WOW , they have lots of strings to choose from ranging from RM20 - RM 4x

 Nice , they even have a Digital strining machine !! I was so happy to see this , as I cant find a decent badminton shop around butterworth area .

I surveyed all around Penang for Bravesword LHI and compared the prices.

I was shocked when they offered me a price I couldn't resist . Immediately , I bought the racquet on the spot. They said they can restring everything for me in 30 mins . So I waited , while waiting they served me drinks and chat with me . It seems that it was just a newly opened shop, the technique the restring was a 2 knot and usually used for Victor international players like Lee Yeong Dae .

I tested the Racket and it was superb !! The tension was perfect , the sound of hitting the shuttle was perfect. I guess they really are professional !!

The customer service at Victory Sport was superb !! They helped me around and taught me the tensions and different racquets uses . Since that day this Victory Sport badminton shop  would be my first choice. I would highly recommend if anyone wants to buy a new racquet or restring. 

I've snapshot the name card of the shop , the telephone and address is listed in it.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How to Relieve Stress ?

How to Relieve Stress

What is Stress? 

 Who doesn’t know about it, it has become a common and usual term used by everyone in all ages. Nowadays, even kids from primary school would post “School is stressful!! “ in their Facebook wall.
Well, we generally use the word “stress” when we have this feeling of everything seems just too much; overloaded to be precise and wonders whether we can really cope with this pressure being placed upon us.

Types of Stress 

Scratching your already? HaHa ,  YES ! There are two types of stress , we categorize them as the “GOOD Stress” and the “BAD Stress “.  GOOD stress in a nutshell, gets you motivated and going – many people say without any stress, our lives would be boring and pointless but bear in mind that stress affects both your mental and physical health. Too much stress equals “BAD Stress “is bad for you.

Do you know these facts?

When you are stressed,  your:

  • ·         Blood pressure rises
  • ·         Breathing becomes more rapid
  • ·         Heart rates increases
  • ·         Immune systems goes down
  • ·         Muscles become tense
  • ·         Digestive system slows down
  • ·         Difficulty in sleeping ( Insomnia )

There might be even more devastating symptoms but these symptoms above are the usual symptoms that normally could be found on a normal person. Been wondering why sometimes, you can’t sleep or have not much of an appetite? Probability of you being stressful is high; it is also possible that a person feels stressed with no clear cause. Feeling of frustration, anxiety and depression can make some people feel more stressed easily than others.

How to deal with stress

There are many ways of treating stress but for me there are only three Main ways.

1) Help yourself 

If you can’t help yourself then who will? You are the one that knows your body best. So get up and do something if you are feeling stressed, don’t wait until the stress level hits the maximum point.

         i.            Exercise!! Getting Fit
-          Exercise has been proven to have a beneficial effect on a person’s mental and physical state. Sometimes  sessions of running , intense yoga or some sports after a stressful day will help you feel relaxed and stress-free. Besides that exercise also releases endorphins; a feel good hormone which helps you to relax.

       ii.            Chocolates
-          Yes , you heard me consuming chocolates also helps relieves stress . Chocolate releases endorphins as well in a small dose but only if you consume moderately .

      iii.            Nutrition – Diet
-          The food you eat also affects you . Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and always makes sure to have a healthy and balanced diet.

     iv.            Breathing
-          There are a few breathing techniques which will slow down your body system and help you relax more.

       v.            Talk – Express your thoughts and worries
-          Expressing your thoughts and worries to your family , friends , work colleagues or whoever you trust will help you relieve stress as well . You would feel that a burden has been lifted off from your shoulders.

     vi.            Relaxation techniques
-          Meditation, Massage , Spa, yoga have been known to greatly help reduce stress .

2) Environment change

Sometimes, the source of stress is not you but rather your surroundings.  For example, if you’re an event planner, and you have a stressful situation of handling events, you’re just making yourself even more stressful. 

There are multiple ways of dealing with environment stress, if you can change it then change. A new and fresh environment will give you a new start. If you are stuck and can’t change your environment, then change your views, manage your stress properly. Allocate time for some exercising or some stress reducing therapies in your timeslot.

3) Medication

This is not recommended but unless you have an underlying illness such as depression or some type of anxiety. Doctors will treat this as mental illnesses and will prescribe you medication but bear in mind that all the medication do is just to mask the stress and suppress it rather than helping you heal and cope with it.


Being too stressful, tend to harm you both mentally and physically . Do something about it , don't just wait and hope that it will go away by itself . Stress can't be avoided but it can be reduced . Why the wait ?  Start reducing your stress starting today in order to have a better , healthier and long live .

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Quake 9.0 and Tsunami , my beloved Japan ..

Who would know that a magnitude of 9.0 Earthquake struck Japan so suddenly . The aftershocks of the quake created an enormous Tsunami that wiped towns and villages and even a nuclear plant .

Let us just pray for the victims in Japan , hoping that all their beloved ones are safe and sound ..

Pictures of the Tsunami aftermath can be viewed thru this blog below . don't worry it is not a virus link . ;)

Tsunami Pictures


ANYWAYS , besides that !! I would like to say that 2012 IS IN FACT REAL !!! .. Who can deny this fact after all these natural disaster . And this is just the beginning , sooner or later more and more bad things are bound to happen .

2012 isn't a myth after all , things might get nastier and nastier while we slowly approach year 2012 . There is still time for us all to enjoy and live our lives to the fullest !! .. Therefore in Conclusion , we must ... YES !! We must always BE HAPPY and do our best in everything and live our LIFE TO THE MAXXXXX !!


Monday, March 07, 2011

New Life , New Job , New everything

IT feels like I am still walking on the streets to Morrissons from my accommodation ( Quay Point ) yesterday but unfortunately time does not stop for no one . I am now graduated back in Msia and working in a company called Seagate . LoL .. well .. it is a hard disk company if you don't know .

Time really does not stop for anything or anyone , but the only thing that stopped here was this blog . So I have decided to try my best and update this blog as frequent as possible ..


Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blog Dead again

HaHa , It seems that I just cant get myself to update my blogs daily or monthly .. =P .. urgh... been busy with work and stuff.. don't really have much time to think and narrate stories .. >.< .. Laziness has pawned me... hahaha .. Well .. Hope after this post i will try my best to update as much as possible .. cheers

Removed the mixpod as it really sucks lots of bandwidth and lags alot when i tried to access it via my phone.. Well.. no biggie .. ;) RAWR!!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Elixir of Life

Elixir of Life

Elixir of Life, elixir of immortality or the drink that grants the drinker eternal life or youth.

Is this real? Does this elixir of life exist in our world or is it just a myth?
Nobody really knows the answer, some say that the elixir is liquid gold or the saliva from the ancient dragon but to me, I strongly believe that the elixir of life is already in front of us and we are already drinking it every single day.

The elixir of life that I am referring to are not soft drinks or alcohol beverages
.It is water; pure water , H2O.

Why do I say that water is the elixir of life? Well, firstly our body is estimated to be at least 60 - 70 percent liquid. The liquid I am referring to is most likely the blood, the fluids in the lungs, brain and muscles.

These liquid or water won't stay forever inside our body; we will lose water through urination, respiration and of course sweating. Losing water would result in dehydration; dehydration allows symptoms such as chronic joint pains, muscle ache, headache and constipation to show.

Therefore, drinking more water replenishes our lost body fluids thus preventing us from getting dehydration and pain. Besides that, water also transports oxygen to our cells, removes waste and protect our joints and organs. Oxygen supports our life, as it
"oxidizes" or "burn" food to create energy and heat . Most of our body cells need oxygen to live, some scientist states that "YOU ARE ONLY AS OLD AS YOUR CELLS!" which means if our cells get old, we too get old despite your age.

To wrap things up , drinking lots of water helps preventing your body from dehydration and helps your body with oxidation which gives you more energy, better appearance and better health. Thus prolonging your life but don't consume too much water either , it might lead to Water Intoxication ( water poisoning ) . Drink moderately and live a better and healthier life .

(Kenneth Lau , 21 September 2010 )
(* Edited : 15 July 2012 )


Friday, August 20, 2010

Trying to make this blog active again

Hmm.. i know it has been ages since my last update.. Even sandy says my blog is "MORE DEADLIER " than hers .. So i'll try to update as much as i can..

Updates that i am planning to do ..

The white soul - The Miraculous mystery -

Yes , the reason why Sandy is still alive and what did ken do in order to save her life.. What really happen at that time?? ... ;)

The forgotten Prince , Zerxes - Chapter 3

Hmm... might need to think of plots to write in this story.. Will try to write it but no promises tho .. =P

Frozen heart - Chapter 9

Possibly will try to continue this story but it was written quite sometime ago when i was still a kid.. writing stories back then was so easy , ideas keep on flowing into my mind non-stop but now.. it is harder compared to last time .. So i'm quite sad.. but no worries.. i will try my best to write..

Possibly three stories will be updated.. but no promises .. xD ...